The traditions of Finland and Sweeden are relatively simple, featuring vertical channels, integrated bake ovens, and rugged, robust, simplicity.

U - 150 Finnish Contraflow
Developed in Finland and Introduced to North America by Finnish architect and heater devotee Heki Hytannian and Master Heater Mason Albie Barden in a 1970s workshop in Lincolnville, Maine, the Finnish Contraflow is most common heater in North America today.
Features and options
A simple, clean, classic aesthetic married to a bottom exiting heater with a wide output range. It's bottom exit maxes the contraflow is a great choice where an existing masonry chimney is to be used.
Baking Ovens and Benches are excellent and popular additions to the Finnish Contraflow heater.
Firebox Size: 15.5" x 18"
Heat Exchanger: Upper Chamber feeding dual 6' down-drafting gravity based heat exchangers.
Wall Thickness: 4.5" - 6.5"
Main Body Footprint: Approx 32"x44"

U-180: Brick Five Channel
Originally developed by Crondst and Werde in response to a contest held by the crown, the Swedish five channel offers a top exit and almost double the heat-exchange length of the Finnish Contraflow in a slightly larger package
Firebox Size: 18x18
Heat Exchanger: Symetrical down-and-up 19 foot channels
Wall Thickness: 6.5"
Main Body Footprint: Approx 32"x56"

U-195: Large Russian-Bell Heater
Based on a popular layout request and the call for a powerhouse heater with lots of internal mass this heater offers long storage time and a proven design.
Firebox Size: 18x18
Heat Exchanger: Large Double-Bell Style heat exchanger
Wall Thickness: 6.5"
Main Body Footprint: 48"x48"
Exit: Top
Please reach out to discuss your project.